I’m so grateful to be sober and what I have

We can embrace APPLIED FAITH. Instead of Applied Depression . Kick Doubt worry and fear out of our life

Look up Book. THINK AND GROW RICH. by Napoleon hill. Read the last CHAPTER first. Called the 6 GHOSTS of fear. VERY POWERFUL

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Prayer helps

I'm coming up on 9 years and have no depression. I would caution you against falling prey to someone telling you that you are clinically depressed and getting you started on antidepressants because from what I've seen people that get started on antidepressants seem to have to switch over to different medication from time to time because what they were taking no longer works. So it's like a wild goose chase

I feel like I'm as depressed as I choose to be. I see that you've been sober for over 2 years. Maybe start a new hobby. Have you ever actually flown an airplane? You should go down to the local Regional Airport and ask to speak with a flight instructor. Tell him that you want to go out for a discovery flight.

You will see what it's like to Pre Flight on aircraft and go up with the instructor with you at the controls. Who knows? Maybe it will be the start of a new career for you.

Getting sober is only the beginning. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. What you do with it is up to you.

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I have that book and I never really finished reading it. I'll have to check that chapter out.

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