Is there a real alternative to AA in the US?

Do you know if it originated in CA? There aren’t any in person meetings within a 2 hour radius of me (I’m in MN) and the therapists at my outpatient program know nothing about it. I think it’s so wonderful, I wish it was a bigger thing here. Doing my best to spread the word though!


I’m not sure... it’s unfortunately not as widespread as AA, though I wish it were! I’ve also heard of LifeRing as an alternative, but I’m not sure about their meeting accessibility.


Lol I said the same about AA when I was court ordered. Eventually it will make sense :purple_heart:


Celebrate recovery

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Lots and lots of friends

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if “no program keeps you sober”, that implies i can choose any program or none at all. If i’m going to choose one, id rather it be one that doesnt push beliefs i disagree with. Whats so difficult to understand about that? The problem with your line of thinking is that you are basing your opinion upon anecdotes. You say “from what ive seen” in your statement and that is such a far cry from true evidence to support a claim. I dont like aspects of AA, but that in absolutely no way means i reject sobriety, positive growth and the like. What an absurd assumption. It is indoctrinated folks like you in the program that seem to add to why many people choose not participate or stay in AA.

This was a reply to John Mangieri but that didnt hold after i pressed send for some reason


Hey thanks. Im going to check it out

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Hi Joe,
I totally understand. My views conflict with AA too.
In my experience, when I mention the relationship between past trauma/underlying issues, I was immediately met with hostility. They said I was making excuses. I've been sober 3 years in June. Not one meeting, but plenty of meetings with God, whose ultimately responsible for healing past hurts and traumas and helping me to live a much better life.
All the best to you.


Love that youve found a path that works for you. Its wild how avidly some people in AA deny environmental factors affecting ones path in life. Their is a program that stemmed from AA and Al-anon called ACOA that deals with past trauma in the home via the 12 steps. Some AA members and non AA recovering addicts/alcoholics participate in it for the very reason you stated as to why you arent in AA. Other members are not alcoholic or addicted to substances and have developed unhealthy thought patterns and behaviors as a result of said trauma and attend ACOA for the help it provides. All the best to you

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Yeah, um...I’m not indoctrinated. It’s pretty clear that doing everything “your way” especially in early sobriety doesn’t work. So rejecting everything Bc of “anecdotes” definitely implies unwillingness to accept you have an issue. Sorry but the truth hurts sometimes. Pretty much all the evidence suggests this and is evidence of this, unless you ask people who all together reject aa based on said anecdotes and the petty fear of “indoctrination” :roll_eyes:

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The only requirement for membership to AA is a desire to stay sober.

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The 12 steps are a suggestion for recovery. You are not required to believe in or do the 12 steps to be a member of aa. 12 steps, according to How It Works in the big book, have worked for “alcoholics of our type”.

When I’m at a meeting and someone starts preaching I make these reminders along with clarifying the god of my understanding.


Yea it is pretty clear, John. So, this original post is asking what other methods besides AA are available because they are willing to try something outside of their own way. It is you that is closed minded to things outside of hour own way which is AA. Have you done a an inventory in why you felt the need to defend your position and derail the objective of the original post and offer no help? Could it be fear, pride, self esteem, or resentment? If youre into the steps, take a look at it. Ill give you mine. Im afraid of people rejecting recovery all together when folks come around and feel the need to be pushy and ugly defensive about the method they choose as if any other way is wrong. Resentful too. And im sure its selfish in some way or another. I love a good portion of AA. Regular fearless and thorough inventory and willingness to course correct being a huge part of it. But that doesnt mean AA invented that wheel or has a patent on it. Id like to reiterate that i am a couple years sober and not speaking from a place of contempt prior to investigation


I think that if something isn’t working for you, that’s just it, it’s not working. For some, it may be because of their unwillingness “ to commit to this simple program” but for others I feel it’s a lot of different issues. I know for myself, when I was involved in AA in defray beach Florida, we’re there are literally meetings every hour on every corner, I spent a lot of time culling out a group of people that I could relate to and it was helpful. However when I moved to a MUCH smaller town, ( and don’t have a liscence to drive) my options were extremely limited, and as hard as I tried, the groups were just not as relevant to me and it turned into a dreaded duty, instead of an uplifting and healing process. Some people are just way more socially oriented, like myself, others are “ project oriented” and the quality of people your interacting with doesn’t necessarily matter as much as just “ following the program” I think fundamentally the program “works”, and the people o. The meetings all were best friends and it was working swimmingly for them. But the meetings in my town are largely comprised of much older people than myself. And I feel very out of touch. And I also feel GUILTY for being out of touch. I certainly am not rejecting sobriety, and it’s not an excuse. But why would I continue to do something that isn’t working? Just to prove I have the discipline to continue to endure it? If it’s not your crew, it’s not your crew. Lasting sobriety comes from seeing the benefit of it, not from adding one more thing on your list of things you do to keep up appearances.


All this bashing of recovery based programs period is horrible, immature and prideful. There are people on here that are dying and reaching out for help and to bad mouth ANY recovery program could result in someone not trying he very program that would work for them and save their lives. If something doesn't work for you fine but don't don't trash talk any program that represents hope of sobriety for someone else. If you have a good recommendation then leave it and leave it at that. Please keep personal negative opinions out because they're simply that, negative and an opinion. Any program that offers the hope of a quality sobriety is a good program. Just because it doesn't work for you doesn't mean it doesn't and hasn't for millions of others. Thank you :pray:


John I couldn't have set it better period.

If you read The beginning of How it Works it says it perfectly what is wrong with these people that can't get this simple program and look for alternatives.

Rarely have we seen a person fail who has thoroughly followed our path. Those who do not recover are people who cannot or will not completely give themselves to this simple program. Usually men and women who are constitutionally incapable of being honest with themselves. There are such unfortunates. They are not at fault. They seem to have been born that way. They are naturally incapable of grasping and developing a manner of living which demands rigorous honesty. Their chances are less than average.


I would argue what’s closed minded is rejecting aa Bc of petty conflicts in an individuals belief system. My point is, if there’s that much conflict...then the issue probably isn’t aa.

If people find a massive conflict with humility, as aa suggests you should achieve to BE SELF EMPOWERED....then I’d have to think that person is just arguing their problem into terms that doesn’t hurt their feelings.

As far as aa goes, we generally look at those sorts of feelings as being flawed, or misguided, and in need of modification.

Smart Recovery is my choice

SMART recovery, Regina. Seriously look it up.