That’s awesome
All the comments and encouragement, advice and more have helped me so much. I didn’t give in! Between you guys and this beautiful 10 month old, I’m hanging on!
I’m on day 2 and hoping I can really embrace and make the change. Alcohol has cost me so much. DUI, Loss of Employment, Family Resentment etc. I’m determined and driven for change.
How ya holding up?
The people on this site understand. You really aren't alone.
Some days just suck,and it can be a struggle to not feel alone, its my day off that do it to me. I make thos AA meetings twice a week, it helps, I have made a few friends in here, some have been wining for money, but im dealing with my demons daily, I have to pray for his help multiple times a day, I can't buy happiness its a inside job. The crap going on in this world now is proof that the Devils real,
I’m just staring out too. Could definitely use some help