Looking for words of encouragement as I have finally decided

It could be better. Trying to stay in the present. I will try again tonight. Thanks for asking

That's the first step Eric...congratulations keep your head up and be strong and remember...Just For Today...things aren't going to happen over night and quickly but I assure you it gets better and it's worth it

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It’s a roller coaster ride but worth it … you got this !!

Hi Eric. Hope your day was better today.

You got this! It gets easier.

Had a really bad night last night. Argument with my wife. I was belligerent and said some awful things to her. She threw out the "separation" word. I meet to get my sh together and beat the habit at night. It starting to cost me everything I don't want to lose.

Have you spoken with a doctor? You don't have to answer. There are medications that help with the cravings. The one pill I'm on also helps a bit with anxiety. It sucks admitting the truth but at least you made the effort to address that alcohol is a problem for you. And don't forget... You are not alone.

Eric, that awesome of you to be here and reach for the support. Recovery is a life long journey. And yes it isn't the easiest of work but it is worth it. Speaking from experience it does get easier. You have already made the first step. This means you are aware that alcohol is a problem and not the solution. Everything starts with our thoughts. Before we take action there has to be a thought. My advice is focus on changing your thought patterns. (Identify your stressors and find a healthy way to address them) work on positive self talk the "I can do this", "I am worth it" and even "I value my life and my family is important to me". These are just a few examples of positive self talk. Continue to reach out for support. You are doing great. Be proud of yourself for reaching out.