What’s your favorite recovery saying?

Fk it I love you


You have to believe in yourself in order to become yourself


The serenity prayer I sec something I have to practice everyday.. to accept the things I cannot change..!!

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My favorite 14 words and how it works, what used to be like what happened and what we are like now​:us::cowboy_hat_face::heart:


The full version of the serenity prayer


Egomaniac with an inferiority complex

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A quick glance back makes the choice so simple.


Reflect Release Reset

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This too Shall Pass

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When the pain is great enough


For those apart of us, no explanation is necessary. For those not apart of us, no explanation is possible. I found family who understand me without judgment. I felt like I was coming home when I joined NA. Ty for having my back.

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You've got one hand on God, one hand helping another drunk, so you don't have another hand to pick up a drink.

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Your Body Is A Temple.

One you learn why you drink, it’s really not that fun anymore.

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"Believe in the ball
and throw yourself!"

Keep it simple stupid.

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This too shall pass is also my fav

Show me the people you surround yourself with and I’ll show you your future.

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Hurt people hurt people

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The things that are worth it are hard.

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