One day at a Time
One day at a time
"The goal isn’t just to be sober. The goal is to love yourself so much that you don’t need to drink."
One is to many and a thousand isn’t enough
I’ve had that tattooed for years
I was looking to die every time I used. I knew I was , I was slowly killing my self and I knew it. There wasn’t a consequence to using that I didn’t know. I studied while I used . SMH
Chase sobriety like you chase the dope dealer
“Get busy living or get busy dying” Shawshank redemption.
I know it’s not a “recovery” saying per say yet it is what made me get that foot in the rooms.
I was so tired of trying to kill myself thru overdosing and simply drugs and alcohol. I had decided that I wasn’t very good at dying so maybe I should try living.. AND if I was going to live I needed off drugs and alcohol. If I was to live I wanted a good life.. so it sounds cliche but it’s what made me step into the rooms…
Absolutely love this!
Working great
This too shall pass
One day at a time, one moment at a time
Let go, let God
Your networth is only as big as your network
Have never heard it said that way - Love that one! It reminds me of God can’t drive a parked car.
Love it - it reminds me of a similar quote - as long as you pay for insurance, you have it; as soon as you start missing payments, it will lapse. This is true regardless of the time lived sober - thus step 12
It is all in how much of that learning you can apply!
Changing perspectives changes perceptions
I’ve got an attitude for gratitude because I woke up, and I didn’t come to.
"Get a win today, no matter how small". Accomplish something positive or new every day. Wins pile up.
"Don't let one small stain ruin your outfit. " twist on making a mountain out of a molehill.
"Don't run up the escalator". You have a path. Ride it out at its pace. It will get you there in good time, no need to sweat or add stress.
Alcohol only takes, it never gives!
Trying to moderate your drinking is like trying to switch seats on the Titanic.