What’s your sober day count?

Congratulations on every day shared. You guys rock.

20 days not counting 90 in rehab🤠


1 :slightly_frowning_face:

507 days !

Back to zero

8 days


24 hours every single time i wake up sober from the day before :pray:

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1 is greater than 0. congratulations on making it this far. just get a couple more 1’s at a time and before you know it, you will be feeling like 1 million :pray::v:

45 :relaxed:

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A month and a week today :slight_smile: still fresh meat

84 days today or 12 weeks!
Almost at the triple digit line.
12 weeks ago, this seemed impossible.
Woke up crabby, trying to change my mood.
Have a fantastic sober day, 1 second at a time :sunflower:


2 days…

Day 46!

7 days baby

Seven months and one day. Meant to check in yesterday but life happened.

That’s hard for me to answer. I’ve been off of opiates almost two years now. I’ve done other shit like five days this year. I’d say it’s been about three months since the last time but I don’t know the date.

15 days. Hour by hour.

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88.77 months
And counting
God willing
One day at a time
Two hours twenty min so far today
Praise God!