What’s your sober day count?

98 days today

Great post. On day zero for me trying to quit. 25 years
Just signed up September 8

One month today

31 days

636 days strong and no regrets

3 days

434 :dancer:t2::pray::raised_hands:t2:


I can’t even start…??… I don’t know how…

Hi Hannah. Have you gone to a meeting? I think meetings where you work a program of recovery in conjunction with connecting with everyone here on Loosid on a daily basis would be a great place to start. Let me know if you have any questions. We are happy to help!!

I think I got 11 days now. If I can survive past the holidays amazing things are coming



730 an counting
One Day At A Time

11 months 2 days

100 days today. Never been this long without a beer in a long time. I feel much better. Now I am in control :sweat_smile:

101 days

3 days


3 days