What’s your sober day count?


2,438 :tada:

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Day 12 here :crossed_fingers:

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1072 & praying for more

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Thank You

You need to seriously have a conversation with your SO about offering you alcohol every single night. If you really don’t want to drink again then you need to set the boundary that it’s not okay to offer you alcohol at any time. Period. I’m here if you need or want to talk to someone.


18 days.

Zero . Went 5 days and drank last night.

270 days

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Back to 1. Damn

John- we all started with day 1. Welcome back! You need a meeting?

Congrats :tada:

Keep it up

12101 a lot of JFT & NMW

1,312! One day at a time! Sometimes seconds

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83 today

7 days today! :slight_smile:

Day 9