What’s your sober day count?

242 days

101 today!? Appreciate this platform! I can’t be in a meeting 24 hours a day, or calling my sponsor every 2 seconds, or whatever. It’s a pretty amazing tool to be connected 24/7/365!

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Clean/sober date is 05-15-2017
Today I have 1632 days.
4 years 5 months and 17 days without a drink, pill or fix. Grateful :pray:t3:

1036 days

98 days


93 days. I am so happy that I’ve made it this far. I’m learning a lot about myself and able to identify some serious emotional/mental issues that I’m actually confronting now. It’s not easy, but it’s right.

12 days

66 days

31 days today! And I AM SO READY for this!

75 days


126 days :smiley:

57!!!!! And counting!

Day one, starting over again.
Just gotta keep trying.

3 months and 19 days.

With death knocking on my door my new life began on April 3rd 2012 7:28 am when I woke up from a blackout and never looked back.

2 days. Can’t wait to get past the first two weeks… that’s been the hardest for me before. Not going to try moderation again though, I seem to just search for excuses to drink when I “moderate” unfortunately. Looking forward to what’s next!

Day 8 :muscle:t3::muscle:t3:

4 day