What’s your sober day count?

851 Days and every day is still a fight…not the best inspirational quote in the world but it’s the truth and I’m proud of every one of them. Keep fighting everyone.

34 days

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4 days



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101 days :heart:

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2 months 28 days

737 days :+1:t2:.

31 days!

30 days today!!!!

It'll be 2years on the 13th for me

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Mine is today because it is the only day that counts tomorrow is not here and yesterday is already gone and sometimes the pause between breaths are all I have

Happy early sober birthday.

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Day 34 :slightly_smiling_face:

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22 days. Feeling a lot better and finally getting sleep. Mentally feel lagged. Staying positive through it all though🙂

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I started drinking April 2021..Then I had months, then weeks, then days sober..but here’s looking to never looking back! I hope to earn every AA coin possible and never touch a drink ever again!

I hope your SO stopped and I’m currently going thru the same thing. I know how hard it is and I think of you with this :raised_hands:t4:

31 days


Less than 24 hours :pensive:


4 days


39 days

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