What’s your sober day count?

27 days!:partying_face:



13 days. Usually my relapse point. Need all the support I can get


This was always my relapse point that 13th day. Never made it to two full weeks but once or twice and once I made it to 24. I cant stress the importance of meetings. They were a game changer for me. :heart: You’ve got this!

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Something about that 13!!! :rofl:I’m so glad to know I’m not the only one who struggles with this. Thank you so much for the advice and support. The meetings help SO much. I don’t feel as lonely and isolated afterwards. It’s so cathartic to meet and share with people who are just as sick as me. It’s so liberating.

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Yesssss :heart: I agree !


One day for me. Clean slate

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Onto day 4!

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82 days

849 days :raised_hands:t3:

Three days

474 days!

4473 days today only by the grace of God my sponsor and AA

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Day 46

Day 24

You hanging in there still?

Day 22 for me. Definitely an emotional and mental journey.

That's no small feat.