Why can’t I?

I found that I have a three part malady to Alcoholism. The first part is the allergy to alcohol, the second part is the obsession of the mind, and the third part is of spiritual deficiency.
Now how it works for me is my thinking (will power) is obsessive and over powers any intuition from a higher power and or anyone who tries to tell me to do something this leading to the first drink. Next after the first drink a phenomenon of craving kicks in (the allergy) and I began to crave more of the same, alcohol. The last part spiritual malady, goes hand in hand with the first part, my will power, I once start drinking believe that I’m in control of my life, that I can do anything I want, that leads to harming of others and myself. I didn’t believe in God.

How I over came this dilemma,
First I had to admit I was powerless over alcohol and that my life had become unmanageable. Then I came to believe that a power greater then myself could restore me to sanity. Then I turned my will (how I think) and my life over to the care of God as I understood him.
This three simple steps took some time in practicing as I would try to take my will back often. Even at 34 months I try to at times. Once I honestly took these three steps the obsession, the craving and the spiritual malady was lifted.
I was still very angry as a sober man! :joy: that’s what the rest of the steps helped me get past and become a better person and citizen to all people.
I also want to emphasize that I have an amazing sponsor who gave me just the right amount of tough love and continues to be supportive in my life! Without him I don’t know if I’d still be sober because I didn’t want to do the next 7 steps. 1,2,3 and 12 were the ones I took early on. Well that’s not how the program works. They are in order for a reason. Steps 4-7 I got honest with myself, God, and another person. 8-9 I got right with those I harmed. 10-11 I continue to take inventory and when wrong promptly admit it. Practicing prayer and meditation to improve my conscious contact with God of my understanding.
12 after having a spiritual awakening I carry this message to those who are still suffering and practice these simple principles in all of my affairs.

As a result of these steps I haven’t had to take a drink in 34 months. I an active member of YPAA, I own a construction company, I sponsor others who want it, and have repaired relationships that I thought would never happen. I’ve gained closer in those that are not ready to forgive me. I will always be ready to make what I did wrong a right. And for that I get to live a free and joyous life today.
One day at a time.
Thank you for sharing your struggles and reading this response. I hope this reaches those that need it and plants a seed in those who are not quite ready yet.