10 months sober and struggling because i just lost my

10 months sober and struggling because i just lost my lil brother. Im scared of a relapse because we were closer than most would believe.LOL. but honestly that is no laughing maytter. Has anyone have any advice on how to battle the fear of going back?

Brianna, just know that your brother is in a much better place. His spirit is more alive than we are here. Don’t be sad for him. Even though you miss him just know that he wants you to be sober and happy. I’m here if you ever want to talk. Will Friend request you now?

My dad was absolutely my best friend. He died when I was 10 months sober. There’s no reason to go out and drink or do drugs again. It will just make it much worse. Lean into your program. Lean on your Sober friends and community. We got you💝