100 days sober

Today is my 100th day with no alcohol. I feel… many ways about it… grateful, and proud, for myself, but also a tinge of anger, and sadness, melancholy might be the right word to describe the feelings when I boil it down. I’m grateful for the freedom from the habit, and the toxicity of alcohol, the perspective I’ve gained having removed that element from my life. I’m proud to have made it through the agonizing painful struggle I’ve experienced every day so far, the mental battle I continue to fight day in, and day out. But I’m angry for wasting so many years repeating the same behavior that I now understand as being hurtful, enabling, and contributing to the continuous cycle in which some of my own family are still engaging. Tomorrow is a new day, and the count continues to climb.


Wow!!! That is awesome! So proud of you!!
Look how amazing you’re doing and how far you’ve come. You are crushing it. And you absolutely right, one day at a time!


Thank you!!

100 days is incredible! You’ve come so far, and it’s okay to feel all those emotions. What matters is you’re showing up for yourself every single day. Keep :person_climbing: , you’re stronger than you realize.

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Absolutely! Thank you!!

Well said, focus on what you KNOW is right. In addition to substance abuse, I also suffer from mental illness. It can be very hard to differentiate between reality and perception. It can really affect me in ways I would have never imagined. Tap into your Source. I call it God. You are free to call it what you want. Spirit of the Universe, Creator, Jesus, Allah, Buddha, whatever. Tap into It and turn absolutely everything in your life over to It. Completely sell out. Seriously. Practice acceptance and reliance on your Power is key. My past self would have said that what I just wrote was total bologna. I would have argued with unreasonable fervor over it. I would have stressed myself out to an unhealthy extent to express my beliefs about what a sham “God” is. This was all wasted effort and was literally killing me. Not to mention the unbearable agony of giving up my “solution” to my troubles without a suitable alternative. For me, God took it all away. It was not easy at all, but ABSOLUTELY worth it.

Keep doing what you’re doing. You seem like you are on the right path, find someone also on the path you are on and follow them. Keep guard though and make sure it is taking you where you want to go. Be blessed :pray:


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Thank you!!

Congrats little brother! 100 days is a real feather in your cap!.. You're well on your way to experiencing a Serenity that you've never felt before..Excellent work!

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