Not struggling just happy to be sober and not living the life I was for years and years running and chasing the next drug. My life consists of a new studio apartment and 4 jobs I am waiting to hear back from. One of the jobs hired me and I start on the 17th!! Next is getting a car. The possibilities are endless when you are sober God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference
That's all great stuff!!! Congrats on your 120! It keeps getting better
Nice work Madeline!
Sounds pretty sweet.
Wishing you your pick of the litter on the work front.
May the next 120 rock as well.
You’re on that new life track. The miracles are just beginning. Congrats on those 4 months. Pretty cool.
Nice keep it up
You’re doing amazing. Thanks for sharing your hope with us!
That’s amazing, congratulations!!! You have this, stay on the path your taking
Congratulations Sugar, keep coming back.
Keep going
Awesome! I’m kinda in the same boat. I’m at 54 days sober and rebuilding the wreckage that alcohol wrought on my life. I just got a new contract for legal work and looking at rentals now to have my own place again. About to repair my car that I wrecked while drinking and will be driving again. Have a good AA sponsor and going to meetings regularly. You wake up and look back and wonder what the heck was I thinking? The short answer is you weren’t, alcohol was.
4 months is no small feat so congratulations It gets better, it’s not always easy, but it gets better. When we get out of the way and let our higher power direct our lives, the possibilities are endless
That’s a fact!! Thank you so much
One of the jobs I really want is at a school district by me!! Never would I have thought during my years of running I would be offered a position at a school district! The possibilities are endless! Tysm!
Appreciate it! God bless
You are correct it was the drug/alcohol controlling your life, it wasn’t really you!! Here’s to 54 days and more on your behalf and I wish you nothing but peace in mind in the upcoming days!! Your right there at 60 you can do it!
It was not easy I can say that but I do realize that it gets easier the more time you have on your back. Everything starts coming together in life you just have to take it one step at a time and everything else will fall through. God has a plan for everyone