138 days today!

It’s been difficult. Life hasn’t let up since I stopped drinking. I know a lot of what I have to deal with is part of my wreckage but it’s not getting any better.


Jeremy, awesome on the 138! Don’t worry it is going to get much better.
Know that if those 138 days were using days things would be much worse.
You never have to go back! You’ve gotten thru the hardest part.
Are you working the 12 steps w a sponsor?

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I sponsor

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Life doesn’t change as much as we change our outlook on life. Hang in there and keep working the steps.


Congratulations, Jeremy 138 days that’s awesome brother so proud of you. Keep up the amazing work.

Il gone through many trials and tribulations and recovery and sobriety. As long as I don’t pick up a drink or a drug. I can’t make it any worse than it is at that moment. and by working through it, I get stronger to deal with the next life circumstances that get thrown at me. I pray this for you as well.

No I've been in and out for the past 5 years I've had sponsors but I've never even started the steps.

Ya in my personal experience the 12 steps are a major part of the solution. A key to freedom from my addiction, pain, anxiety etc

I have heard that, and I’ve done the daily meetings and fellowship. I’ve even had a few sponsors but I don’t know why the steps never get started. I’ve things like you don’t work the steps the steps work you. It’s the only thing left I haven’t put my efforts in to stay sober

Well now you know where the hole in your program is. THE 12 STEPS! Let me know bro😊