
Today i struggled. Triggers from the past. Hadnt seen my mom in a year and a half. Realized i have to forgive her. And she isnt sorry. She laughed at me.


So sorry hang in there prayers :pray:

Thank you. I just woke up and had 5 messages from her asking don't I want to forgive and forget and move on? Well of course but that's not what she really means. She means let me punish you for 20 more years.

Some family members are too toxic. Create a family of choice, love the ones who love you
Turn your Mom over to God. Pray for her healing, but keep your distance.

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That's really good advice. Thank you.

Sometimes even though it hurts, we have to love them from a distance or it's toxic to your recovery. We all need support, not to be laughed at and shamed. Keep your circle that supports you and let the rest go

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I have found in my experience that family can't help us