$2,215 in three vet visits. Most of which I owe

$2,215 in three vet visits. Most of which I owe now. Her regular vet which is low income is requiring a payment plan with a third party company that will take stuff out automatically which I can’t do. She got a surgery she basically didn’t need. She’s “fine” Except the anesthesia didn’t agree with her so she hasn’t slept yet and is suffering from the surgery. Which means I haven’t slept. The entire situation threw me back into my bad mental health state and I’m coping poorly.

I don’t know how to feel positive emotions right now. I only feel dread, panic, anxiety. Fear. Sad. Pain.
I had to cancel my appointments early next week. I’ll have to be here to monitor her. My mom isn’t capable of helping. It’s a struggle because she keeps trying to go where I can’t get her and her incision is in danger of reopening. Basically this is a me venting post. Feel free to ignore.

Remember, it’s going to be ok. As long as you don’t drink or use. Ask your HP for help, and keep reaching out. This too shall pass.