2 Truths and a Lie

Let’s get to know each other. Share 2 truths about you and 1 lie about yourself - and everyone else has to guess which is the lie.

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Gospel rap is my favorite music genre.

Both of my grandfathers have the same birthday.

Fried chicken is my least favorite food.

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Both of your grandfathers have the same birthday.

I love butter pecan ice cream.

I have 1 brother and 2 sisters.

Christmas was my least favorite holiday during a point in my life.


lie: fried chicken least favorite food

Lie: butter pecan ice cream

I’m the baby of ten kids!

i hate Halloween!

im five foot!

Lie: baby of ten kids

Lie: grandfathers' birthday

Lie: one brother and two sisters

You are correct Britt!

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Nope- that's the truth!

You hate Halloween is the lie.

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Please don't tell me you used to hate Christmas. Or it was your least favorite. That must be the lie.

I love duck as a food.

I hate ice cream.

My dad was 50 when I was born.

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I've been white water rafting twice though I can't swim.

I love to sky dive.

I've never met a food I didn't like.

You’re right!

How is it having 9 siblings?

Hectic!!! plus i have 13 nieces and nephews. So family christmas gets a little crazy. Lol.

I like strawberry ice cream.

I'm 6'0" tall.

I'm right handed.

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