2 years sober

I just feel blah. I’m struggling with finding meaning and purpose life. I’m angry, lonely and tired. Struggling with living life on life’s terms. I feel like relapse is now just a matter of when.


I relapsed after two years feeling the same way you do. My husband of 38 years died and 10 days later my 4 month grandson died in my home when I was babysitting - I hit the vodka the same night. It did NOT make anything better. One drink and I was back to a fifth of vodka a day for the next three years and left a wreckage behind. I’m starting over at 68!!! Don’t blow it - work the steps and go to meetings. I promise you’ll hate yourself if you drink.


Was it better with a drin

The blah blah blahs! I get those too. The meaning and purpose of life I found in service. Helping others is awesome! At first I didn’t see how it could help me in anyway. But I kept on doing it and wow! It really helped.
Service is always amazing and after 15 years of sobriety it still works every time. It’s better than getting hungover :rofl:

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As they say, the relapse happens in the mind long before it happens in reality. Get into action get into the steps you don’t want all that misery refunded. And I know for a fact that that misery will be refunded.

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