2 years

Today, I am grateful that it has been 2 years since my last drink! How did I do it? Only God truly knows that answer, but I will do my best to explain. I was completely destroyed mind, body, and soul. I wanted to die, and I fantasized about dying just so I didn't have to feel all of the pain anymore. I couldn't look at myself in the mirror without feeling sick at the shell of a man I had become. I came to AA, bc I was out of options. I could always stop drinking, but I couldn't STAY stopped!! The smallest of things would be an excuse for me to drink. Excuses were lies that I sold myself on. When they told me to pray, I didn't realize how powerful and important that truly was. Hundreds of meetings, and thoroughly working all of the steps in order, later I now walk a free man. I have recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body. I had to learn to listen, and listen to learn. I had to shut my mouth and listen to and then follow the suggestions of what worked for those who came before me. I am grateful for so many things, but most importantly for another day of sobriety!! I wish I could just reach out and give this to everyone, but that's me trying to play God. If anyone is struggling, please feel free to reach out to me. I am responsible, when anyone anywhere reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there and for that, I am responsible. Have a wonderfully sober day everyone!


Terrific story. Kudos to you for all the hard work.

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They say, "Ya gotta give it away to keep it". I have grown to trust the suggestions that they make, and I believe what they say is true. So here I am while I am eating my lunch at work, trying to carry the message. Thank you for your kind words, Brian!

Congratulations brother :tada::tada: I’ve had a similar experience. Arrived to AA a completely broken soul, ready and willing to surrender to the suggestions. May we continue to live the program ODAAT

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Congratulations to you too! I had to 4th step God and the Catholic church. It was liberating to let all of my fears and resentments go!! Today, I choose that God is everything. I pray to remain in His grace, and to never go back to God is nothing. :pray:t2::heart:

Fantastic. That’s how it works. Thank God for the gift of desperation and the capacity to be honest even if only briefly at first.
Thank you for carrying the message.