3 weeks. 🎢

Whew... I forgot how much of a roller coaster ride sobriety is during the first 1-2 months. One day you have all of the energy and hope in the world. The next day it is hard to get out of bed. And around and around we go.

But, I already feel better in many ways. I'm not constantly looking over my shoulder or having to be prepared to apologize for something I don't remember doing/saying. I wake up earlier and eat healthier. People feel safer around me sober than when drinking. I don't feel as lost in the world or scared of the future. I'm not letting others down, cancelling, rescheduling, or just all out ghosting. I'm much more present and the days are much longer and meaningful. And for all of that I am super grateful (even on the down days).

I think one of the biggest gifts we ever get back in sobriety is time - time to connect, make memories, and to simply feel, touch, taste, smell, and see the world. Obviously, regaining your respect and dignity are amazing additions. But, the sheer amount of time I've gained back to actually experience daily existence is something I really took for granted.

It's easy to forget that there is only one season of this life show we're living and when the time runs out, it's completely out. We will never get to watch reruns of our existence. So, my goal is to make up for 18 years of faded memories with 18 years of incredible and vivid experiences, laughter, service, love, and hard work.

Thanks for attending my TED talk and have a stellar week ahead. :pray:t2:


Jeremy, congratulations on three weeks. The emotional roller coaster ride just one of the best rides I’ve had in my life. Through the emotional ride, I have learned to grow and rely on. God, the program, Meetings, my sponsor, my support group and my family.

So enjoy the roller coaster ride. It is worth it.

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Wow. That really hits home. Thanks for sharing.

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Time is the best gift. Congrats Jeremy, you are doing great!

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