33 days sober

I woke up blessed again this morning feel God's presence in me thankful for that I'm 33 days sober coming off a 15-year meth addiction


It’s a hard go in 4 days off of opioids and it’s killing ne, just remember you’re far from alone! Hang in there we will all make it! I’m doing it cold turkey with out taking anything to help with with draws also working a full time job, please keep up the good work, seeing these give me hope :pray::muscle:

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Right on

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Isn’t life wonderful

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Congrats on over a month keep it up

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Congrats on the month-plus! Keep it up and remember to continue to use this community. We're here for you :revolving_hearts:


Wow cold turkey is hard but I'm beyond impressed that you are this positive. I'll keep you in my prayers :pray:


Congrats Jon!!!! Keep up the good work​:blush::tada::tada:.


For sure one day at a time


Thank you so much, and same to you! It’s hard trust me, just trying to be positive

That’s a huge accomplishment! I am very proud of you :tada::tada::tada:

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F*** yeah bro that's huge. I'm fuggin proud of you man

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You got this man. I've been there many times. Don't give up I'm praying by now u have 9 days and are feeling more like yourself again. Ik how hard that can be. But I promise life is better on this side. We have to focus on getting to the root of what makes us want to use opiates and start working on that. Mine was my mental health and my way of thinking. We do recover tho man and we have alot to offer others. There's so much good in us we fail to see when that shlt has hold of us. You got this bro.

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Keep up the good work because it can get better beyond your wildest dreams.

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Thank you very much, this is why I love this group it really does help, cold turkey was hard and lying to the addictions person was even more hard I don’t like to lie anymore since I came out and wanted to get clean, my wife my kids are all beside me, I just didn’t wanna switch one thing for another like I did with the suboxin trade coke for that, didn’t even use it for a year I snorted it at first then put under tongue then woke up one day and said I am done, I sat my wife down and told her everything and I’m so glad she stayed, because I was on my last chance so many times ago


That's what I had to do too. Most of my ppl never knew when I was in active addiction. I'd become more distant because I was ashamed I was using again a d finally after living in an abandoned house with an income of 250 a day and a habit to match I finally had enough. Called my sister and told her everything I was going through and how I was strung out and detoxed for 11 days cold turkey. I relapsed a few times after that but that was the start of me getting better. The honesty was hard because but not as hard as the life I was living. I was always using with the hooe I'd not wake up. Thank God I never succeeded in any of my attempts cuz life got so much better. I'm just now almost done with all the stuff I ran from for years but it's all getting even better. Keep it up bro. You got this. If u ever just need to chat I'm here


Please add me if you can I need all the support I can, I really appreciate all of this and I mean that, I checked your tracker and that gives me amazing hope! I only used suboxin for 6-7 months but I snorted it to make it worse then just let it devolve, I’m getting from you that you used it too or other opiods? Sorry if I’m wrong, but bro I so needed this :facepunch: it’s late here, add me and we can chat tomorrow or something, thanks again!

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Already added u homie. And yeah I was an opiates user off and on for years. I got pulled over July 5th 2021 with fent and a mule from where I was headed to overdose myself. I never got on subs really but alot of friends did. So I get it an know what ur going through. I'll shoot u .y number and u feel free to shoot me a text or call anytime you need someone to talk to or if ya just wanna chop it up I'm always available. It gets easier homie. And with all this technology it's easier to connect to ppl in the same spot we are. But you got ppl here who are rooting for u and got ur back. All love homie.

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Thank you :+1:

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You got this! WE got this! Very similar backgrounds for the two of us. I'm 16 days in, first time wanting it. God's gotten me here and I know He will continue to carry me until I can walk independently again. This feels good, feels right, and I know this is the road to a solid peace of mind. One day at a time brother. :slightly_smiling_face:Keep it up!

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