The gratitude I feel today is a direct result of the work I did yesterday.
•I’m grateful that even after paying life’s taxes, I am almost always able to enjoy what’s left.
•I’m grateful for all Karli’s help with practicing for the presentation I’ll give this morning.
•I’m grateful for early morning phone calls from my sponsor.
•I’m grateful that I love myself.
•I’m grateful for the love I receive from others.
•I’m grateful to know that I’m never alone in this world. God is always with me, and my family is only a phone call away.
•I’m grateful for Young Ruckus (Barkley) and Crumples (Norman). They radiate love and are an endless source of entertainment.
•I’m grateful that I’ve been taught that constant vigilance is required to stay sober. I know I need to watch and share my thoughts.
•I’m grateful that no matter what happens today, I know that I’ve done my best. The rest is none of my business. It’s in God’s hands.
•I’m grateful that I have so many beautiful people with whom to share this beautiful life.
Self-will is as fragile as fine china. We need to be more like Tupperware than fine china — we’ll last longer and be invited to more dinner parties.