The gratitude today is a direct result of the work I did yesterday.
•I’m grateful AA has taught me that being uncomfortable just means that I’m growing.
•I’m grateful for my friends' and family's faith in my ability to succeed.
•I’m grateful that my boss wants me at work today for a special event. It’s nice to be trusted to do a good job.
•I'm grateful for the love and support I've received from the community in my new role, which has welcomed me as I venture into this chapter of my life.
•I’m grateful to have the next couple of days off.
•I’m grateful that my new role, while requiring more of my time, won’t require me to wake up as early. It’ll be nice to have regular human hours again.
•I'm grateful that AA has taught me much more than just how to quit drinking and stay sober. Before joining, I really didn't know how to handle life on life's terms.
•I’m grateful for all the growth opportunities this new job will inevitably provide.
•I'm grateful for all the laughter Norman brings into my life, and for the calm and love Barkley provides.
•I’m grateful that I don’t have any problems that I don’t make up in my own head. My life is as peaceful as I let it be.
Self-will is as fragile as fine china. We need to be more like Tupperware than fine china — we’ll last longer and be invited to more dinner parties.