
Almost three weeks sober. Why has today been so hard? Shouldn't I be over the hump of craving a drink by now? Shouldn't I be fixed? :joy:


Stay strong. :muscle:


I'm nearing 3 weeks as well. I've had a couple of urges for "1 drink" but my mind immediately corrects and says "don't be an idiot".


Absolutely not. And when you do stop craving on a regular basis, occasional cravings will likely still occur. This is normal and honestly it reminds us that sobriety is a daily choice and takes work, daily. For most of us, for the rest of our lives.


Post acute withdrawal can cause symptoms for months. Just remember things aren't gonna be any different if you go back to your old lifestyle. It's always a temporary fix. Try to focus on your goals and envision a good life without alcohol. Hang in there you got this.


Take naltrexone…. It know it works better for opiates, but some alcoholics have said it does curb their cravings.


Keep it up. That’s why we are all here

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Keep pushing Erika you got this girl stay strong we are here for you ok


That is okay you are doing very well. I definitely want to know you as a person you are so amazing girl just take your time and all things will fall into place

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You are so beautiful it's so amazing stay strong and everything you will totally be okay.

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I definitely want you as a friend LOL please message me when you can I would love to connect with you you're such a beautiful woman and a beautiful person and I believe in you

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Oh also I believe it's not the drink that you're crazy it's something else of consciously. It could be friendship or connectivity or feeling alone and it happens. Research those things and then the drinking can stop for you if you wanted to stop or moderate

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We will never be “fixed”

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Stay busy, yoga, run, gym, sauna


You got this babes. For the years we gave to alcohol, we have to be willing now to give back to ourselves. Think of all the energy and time we gave to it, we deserve that same effort. Take the time to figure out your triggers, your ‘why’

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Working overtime is helping me. No time to drink

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Yes staying busy is great., but always staying connected is key for me…

Reach out anytime., we’re all here to support one another :cherry_blossom:

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Good morning Erika

I’m sorry to hear you are struggling. Just remember. We are mourning the loss of something that we thought solved our problems for so long.

One thing that works for me is move a muscle change a thought when I start to get in negative thinking I think of my head as being a cookie jar. I visually close my eyes and shake my head to empty out the negative thoughts. Then I constantly start putting the positive thoughts of the things that I have a Gratitude, list hopefully this helps. God bless you 


I’ve been told the breaking points are 30, 60, 90, 180, 365 days. But I’m an addict so it’s anytime sounds about right🤪

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