4 days sober

I feel so alone.


Hi. I am sorry you are struggling. Can you do a virtual meeting? That might help. :pray:t2:


Hey -its great you have 4 days, have you tried a zoom meeting? Share that your struggling & youll get some phone #s to people in your area


Going to meetings definitely helps me when I am feeling alone. Try to get to an in person meeting if you possibly can🙂


Youre not alone <3


Hi, Kelly! You are not alone. We're here for you. Please talk about why you feel so alone. Are you also lonely?

Tons of love, love, and more love sent to you!!

Hey, Kelly. I'm sorry you feel alone. Your feelings are completely valid. Many feel alone in sobriety. But you're not- we are here for you.

You are important. You are valuable. You are worth so much.

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Hey there Kelly: Welcome and congrats on your time! I know that it's uncomfortable or even painful, the feeling WE get when WE put down whatever it is. But please believe me that you're doing a brave thing and a very loving thing for yourself. I encourage you to check out some online meetings in your area; you can connect and identify with others that are going thru the same thing. Be well. :pray::+1:

No need to feel alone you have all the support and friends that you need right here at your fingertips.

I know everyone else suggested meetings. Can you befriend a neighbor?

Totally understand that. Ive been in crowded rooms (pre-pandemic) with friends & family and have still felt alone. I’ll usually go to a meeting, call someone or reach out on a recovery app like you have. Despite how you feel, know you’re not alone.

I can relate to your emotions. I'm not in a good environment for what I'm doing. I live with 3 addicts. They don't try to make it easy.

I started here 9 days ago.If I can do it you can do it. You are far from alone. Be proud and keep on it!

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Me too.. like no one understands

Stay strong, it gets better. We're here for you.

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How are you feeling today?

Hi kelly. It’s hard, we all struggle feeling isolated and alone. Especially with the COVID restriction, but I am here if you need to talk or need support. It gets easier. keep your chin up.


I'm sorry you feel that hurt @anne84183.

How can I be a friend to you?

i am feeling exttremly lonely. I have been having a pity party for daze