4th step inventory

I'm not even there yet, and I'm already nervous about the 4th step inventory. My town is so small, and I've been burned by brutal honesty before. I love my sponsor, but people are people. They're not perfect. I'm thinking maybe I'll be able to find someone here, niot so close to home, who I can share some of it with. Do you all think that's a bad idea?


You do not need to do 5th step with sponsor. Share with another human being is what it says.preferably someone in recovery. There are priests lawyers doctors that are in recovery and are used not sharing private information


Focus on the step you're in, not the steps you haven't done yet.


True story friend. :heart:


Thanks for the info and the encouragement.

Yeah don't even worry about it until you're there. 4th step isn't about that anyways. You can do your 5th step with anyone you feel comfortable with. I did mine with my sponsor, but he was a certified knucklehead, so nothing I said phased him. Get in where you it in.


Great advice all around. Yeah, first things first. The steps are numbered for a reason. :grin:
Don’t sweat it. Live where your feet are. Just for today.



Your fears of something that has yet to happen are far far worse than the experience of your fourth step. I promise you that.

Just for Today, one day at a time.

Focus on your feet, right where they are.

What step are you currently on?

Also, when you get there, to that step, you are not required to share it with a specific person, just someone you trust. Maybe an out of town clergy or a fellow recovering person over Zoom. You have options.

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Thank you for your thoughtful and kind words. I'm on step 2 and feeling pretty solid on that.

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We’re all here to help,,,
Thanks for being here…


That's wonderful!

The steps are steps to a healthier, happier life.

Your solid foundation in step 2 will help you with stop 3, which will in turn help you with step 4.

I've very excited for you! Go, Kathy! Woot!

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Right on Kelly. Thank you!

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Thank you! Reach out anytime.

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Find the Joe and Charlie tapes !!! I am listening to them on Spotify. Check you tube !! They are amazing. 2 old timers and explaining the big book of AA. I am listening to!!’


Step 4 sets you free.


If you have a sponsor and hope you do make sure you have trust in your sponsor don't run from your fifth step my sponsor had me do mine like it's laid out in the big book once I started telling my sponsor my inventory it went pretty quick bottom line with the steps KEEP IT SIMPLE

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I have an amazing sponsor!

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That's how we do this

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