A beeer bing for the lady

A beeer bing for the lady

Brother, your posts give me a strong belief that you aren't sober. If you ever have a true desire to quit drinking, I would highly recommend getting to AA and sharing honestly what is happening with you. I'm praying for you. :pray:t2:

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Same praying here as well. I’m starting to wonder though bc this can be triggering for others and it just seems like he’s making mockery out of this app

This could be his way of coping, I don't think someone would download the app to instigate something. God bless

Could be but I’m new to the game so I’m going to have my skeptics about some things and that’s ok


His posts have me wondering as well. The posts are short and not complicated. You would think that just by chance at least one would make a little sense :man_shrugging:t4: Regardless, love and tolerance to all

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