A little self pep talk

It’s insane how when I make the decision to cut alcohol out my life everything hits the fan around me. Nothing because of my doing either. I am only 48 days alcohol free. This is a conscious decision I am making for myself. A goal I set for this time in my life and I am working through it without escaping into a drink. Hasn’t been easy, but I am doing it. I will get through this today!!


You got this!

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48 days is major. Its hard I know because the net of alcohol is gone. But keep doing it just for today. Your a winner!

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Great job and keep being awesome. You got this!

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Hi Shawna. I agree with the others. Be proud of 48 days. Through my journey to sobriety and better living, I have learned that it doesn’t mean bad, stressful things don’t happen. It’s means that they will be easier to handle when they come. When feel like you can’t handle lean on those around you. They will help drag you through the muck. Just keep moving forward with one foot in front of the other and your head held high.


You are doing awesome! Keep it going! It’s not ONLY 48 days it’s I Am 48 days clean and you keep going m! It is hard to get thru days at times but just keep pushing forward and staying positive! :slight_smile:


I’m right with you girl. It ain’t easy but I’m giving this ride attitude :raised_hands:t6:


You got this. There with you! One day at a time.


Congratulations on your 48 days of sobriety, Shawna-this is something to be so proud of!

You already know ( that )…
Alcohol makes every challenge so much worse, including the loss of time, money and energy to deal with “ life on life’s terms “ as the saying goes.

So glad that you shared your pep talk with us…you are helping your own self and others also.
Keep going!

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You go

Could it be that all these things were there before but you were evading them with alcohol?

No. It was nothing with me, but more of family needing help with personal issues…..

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Sure, either way. I guess it sounds like life on life’s terms to me. Life without the crutch of alcohol can take some getting used to. I’m certain it will level out in time. :slightly_smiling_face: