A right side up ☝️ man in an upside down

7 years 6 months and 7 days of sobriety today. Sure in the beginning it was tough. Each day that passed it got a little easier to stay clean. Some days more difficult than others. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, months into years. I can't help but notice the feeling that I've been reaching and climbing, and struggling and pushing towards that light I saw above my head, as I looked up from the hole I put myself in after years of substance abuse. Only to reach the exit of this hole, jump out and find myself in an upside down world :earth_americas: Maybe my view is clouded by years of this substance abuse. Maybe I'm just tired. Or maybe I'm simply sober, actually seeing this world for what it is. Being in this world but not of this world. :point_down::earth_americas::point_up::earth_americas:


Dion congratulations on seven years, six months seven days. I just celebrated 23 years cleaning and sober. My suggestion is get some new Sponsee start doing some more service work. I moved away for four years and was going to last meetings, not serving my purpose which I feel is helping the Newcomer fine his and her way out of HEII…

That helped me get my passion back and my purpose back now I feel happy, joyous, and free all over again