A ton of anxiety. Deep breathing helps. Wish I knew

A ton of anxiety. Deep breathing helps. Wish I knew where it comes from :cry:trauma :rage:


Busy hands Brother. Stop thinkin so much. Give it to Your GodšŸ˜Ž

Your right. Got to get
Out of my head. Let it bešŸ„µ

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U got some days put together Dan?

Yes sir . 18 mths .longest year and a half of my life

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Congratulations Man you made it B4 me but IDK, I used to have CRIPPLING anxiety. What bothers you?

Anxiety and depression. I was hospitalized last year for a suicide attempt. Slowly finding a new normalā€¦ā€¦. Deep breathing really helps anxiety

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What has been working for me is I had to learn to ā€œnot give a fudgeā€ but itā€™s not that easy I gotta know what to care about. If a coworker isnā€™t pulling his weight, what the heck am I going to do about that for example. I canā€™t think about the future too much thatā€™s fo sho. Virtual rant :grin:

Man can I relate, the depression and anxiety we used to escape from through drinking is still there when we stop, and often times it's gotten worse. There is no one way to deal with it-medication, therapy, CBT, deep breathing, find what works for you and stick with it. If you don't it will just sta with you and slowly worsen. Good luck


I feel this. Hugs

Yes cbt and deep breathing really help.

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Hey I suffer from the same problem. You might need a medication readjustment. I have to do the same. Today

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Hi, Dan.
I love that you are bringing up CBT and deep breathing.

You might be open to tapping ( emotional freedom technique )ā€¦have you heard of it?

Please consider checking out the work that Nick Ortner and his siblings engage in.

They have helped sooo many humans-in relation to anxiety issues.

If you feel like, please check out-
The Tapping Solution
( Nick Ortner ).
Keep going, Dan!

Service helps me. When Iā€™m fuuuucked in the head, I go do tons of service. Works wonders. And yeah the breathing/meditation helps.
Are you working the 12 steps with a sponsor?