About to come up on day 4 alcohol free wanting

About to come up on day 4 alcohol free wanting people to talk to still can’t sleep very good and don’t feel very good friends are always nice to have!


Sleep is the hardest thing when first sober. I don't think I really had a good night of zzzz s for a couple months.
Push-ups and situps really helped. Make yourself tired.
Also...assign a bed time and stick to it!!
You've got this!!!


When I first got sober my sleep was all insane, I had to learn to just let my body be. Don’t try to fight it or force it I was awake when I was awake and I slept when I slept. If I had to get up in the middle of the night I just got up. I’d read or lay on the couch when my legs were restless I’d stretch and move. I just allowed myself to body to lead. Now I’m up with the sun and down by 9pm it was a process all yourself to just flow


If you drank the way I drank, sleep won't be a luxury until you address this disease. I had to join AA, and start going to meetings, getting a sponsor and then a home group, and then getting a service position in my home group. All of that was crucial to my recovery!! It wasn't until I truly surrendered, knowing I couldn't do this alone, began to pray, and then dumped the wreckage of my past in steps 4 and 5 that I was finally able to sleep. I walked over 10 miles a day, worked non-stop doing very physical tasks, lost over 75lbs of pure alcoholic fat, and tried to only sleep at night (napping killed me) and there were STILL nights where I'd curse hearing the birds start chirping in the morning. We're all different though, but I couldn't shut my mind off. The ONLY thing that helped me was guided sleep meditation videos on YouTube, but the true relief came when I worked the steps of AA!! :pray:t2::muscle:t2::heart: I'm praying for you brother, you can do this!

If you want what we have - happy, joyous, and free (from alcohol) lives, then you are ready to take certain steps. Alcohol ruined my life, and I wanted to die. Alcoholics Anonymous gave me my life back, and it's a life beyond my wildest dreams. I no longer even think about alcohol (unless I'm here or at a meeting) and all I have to do is not drink, just for today. Yesterday's history, tomorrow's a mystery, that's why today is called the present. I won't drink, just for today, one day at a time.

That's how I recovered from the alcoholic torture that I put myself through for years and years and years!! Ok, stepping down off of my soap box now. Feel free to DM me anytime though if you ever are feeling squirrely and wanna talk!


How do I message you

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Right here there’s the miracle of recovery in this thread!!!! Someone reached out for help and another person hopped on it and tonight’s chances of sobriety just went up a whole bunch. An amazing program.


I love this app so much are you available to talk

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it gets easier, i promise!!


Hey, i totally get this. I’m struggling at this exact moment too. I’m up to chat


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Thank you

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We are all here for you..

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I also am on day 4. Let’s do this together! We can and will make it Brandon!

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Day 4 as well man. From my past experiences this is about the worst couple days here. Gotta fight through!

B, i have been where you are. what i did, was i would make the most extreme gratitude lists, like listening everything from “i’m grateful i’m not hungover”, “i’m grateful i can take a breath without choking”, “i’m grateful i’m not in jail”… and so on. at first it sounds silly, but it does shift your mood

listing; not listening🤣

Way to go Brandon. Remember that the phone doesn’t weigh a ton. It’s a lot lighter than you think.

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