
So what do you do that’s sober and entertaining?


Besides going to meetings, I enjoy physical activities like the gym, movies, walks in nature parks and!!!! I can’t think of much right now.
Studying is something I’m doing right now.


Camping, archery, movies, hiking, fishing…


I go to see live stand-up comedy. It is so much fun! Laughing is so therapeutic, I love how it feels and I love being around all that positive energy, too! If there’s no stand-up currently in your area, then check out comedians’ Netflix specials. can help you decide what to watch if you’re not familiar with the names.


These are all great.

Not so much of what I do as to who I hang out with. I typically hang with my recovery friends and we have a blast regardless of what we are doing. Saying that, we fish, sober game night every Friday, we hit a casino occasionally, road trips, camping,whatever the notion takes us. As you probably relate with, we don’t have a lot of options in central wa so kinda have to be imaginative

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Going to see live music, finding new music I like, reading books about subjects I'm interested in. Also, LOVE reading graphic novels. I've recently gotten into watching Anime. I love making things with my hands. Spell work/feeding my spirituality, journaling, anything outside; hiking, bonfires. Making and enjoying food.. and teas. Focusing on self care routines, and doing what makes me feel best; getting enough sleep, food, water, facials, herbal baths, balancing all aspects of my life and remembering to have my alone time in the morning. I get up early, drink coffee on my balcony, and breathe fresh air sometimes while journaling or reading. Sometimes I'll find a video game I like.

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Wow, great!