Addict 2 Functional Addict

I’m in an identity crisis it’s already been 3 yrs since I’ve been out of rehab. Was clean for 2 and June 7th 2023 I lost my job. So June 7th is my relapse date and I’ve been doing meth almost everyday for a year now. I’ve payed attention along the way even though my mind is fogged I still knw the consequences and what it leads to but it’s became a habit. It don’t make my worries go away it makes me worry more I’ve got one foot in meth world and one foot in reality. The reality of knowing how it will turn you in to a completely different person, the reality knowing that it’s taking me away from my girls mentally and how it can impair the choices that I make. It’s much easier to feed the flesh with my meth addiction bc now verses when I didn’t care I have a job, a car (that I’ve let turn to a mess)I barely get by on paying my bills but they still get paid. When I lost my job the feeling of failure and setting God aside instead of putting him in the center everything I worked so hard to gain was thrown out the window bc all I’ve ever known is meth. I’m asking for everyone and anyone to please pray for this stronghold to be broke the enemy has his chains tight around me and I want to break free while having to maintain a job, pay attention to my girls needs and problems and wants and get a divorce from a full blown narcissist that I’ve allowed to plant seeds in my mind of what he perceives me to be! I’m asking for advice which i knw I need to find a support group and I did they just don’t under bc they automatically jump to going back to rehab for 6 months but I have the tools God is near me I just need the willpower, wisdom and any advice I can get to break free from the stronghold that is on my mind??


Go back to rehab


Going back to rehab seems reasonable.

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I can relate to the feelings. We addicts/alcoholics share this common bond. It’s so F-ing frustrating to know, but not be able to do anything about it. At the end of your post you mention willpower. I had a similar problem. My desire to use/drink/escape/run/hide was stronger than my will to face life on life’s terms. My willpower was no match for my addiction. I finally found the power in the 12 steps. By myself I fall back to my old ways. My powers slowly erodes if I’m not connected to the power I found in the 12 step programs and fellowship. Speaking for myself, I need a program of living that keeps me connected to this power. I choose to believe that this power lives in each one of us. I choose to believe that the 12 steps connect me to this power. I’m talking a bunch of sh!t here, but I strongly recommend you get help, and get involved in a daily program of recovery such as NA or AA. There are others, but i have seen these work first hand so it’s my first choice to recommend


If you can go to rehab please do. Meth is such a scary, extremely addictive drug. Don’t wait any longer!


Please get back into rehab. Can’t do this on your own.

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Hey my friend. Been thinking about you. Great advise.


I feel as if a second time of rehab I WLD come out stronger, and aware of a lot more about recovery bc I already have a lot of knowledge about the relapse aspect of it. But before I had nothing to loose. Now I have a lot my girls will be pretty much grown they don’t have nobody but me as in before they stayed with my sister and got to stay in the same school

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All of you guys advice means so much to me and if I did choose to go back I believe in God and I believe he will restore and take care of everything…. But how do I let go and let God? How do I give up my job? How do I leave my girls once again and them being totally different when I get out?

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No shame in going back I have been to 2 rehabs in my journey
That’s what rehabs are for good luck

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Get back to rehab asap

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What about all my bills and car note , phone bill etc do I just loose everything??

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Sounds like you do need to get out of your environment to break free. It's such a horrible drug to be addicted to I watched my son die from it slowly. There are programs that can help, some churches. Do you have any supportive family? Invest in your future and yourself

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You have a chance you are still breathing

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Get well then you can deal with that

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Hope you’re having a good day today!!! That’s all we have is today. Let’s make the best of it!

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Yeah haven’t seen Lee in a minute :pray:


This advice is very true im a true believer in the 12 step as well

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