Addiction and life

i have had alot going on recently. i went to rehab in january and i was sober since then until this morning. my bf and i are so toxic and its draining but i cant leave him. idk what to do at all


Aliya, I’ve been where you are at. Unfortunately I had to get into enough pain to finally make necessary changes. I can be addicted to people too! I had to get real serious about my sobriety and more specifically my emotional sobriety.
Are you working the 12 steps with a sponsor?
I’m here if you want to talk.

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I’m right there with you! I’m in the same exact boat! It’s really hard but we both need to realize our sobriety is more important than any relationship and have to make the necessary changes so that we can do what’s best for us and our health! It’s incredibly hard to just drop someone from your life that your comfortable and attached too. I’m here if you need to talk!


Girl I know how you feel. I’m going through the same stuff right now.

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Neither one of you sound like you're "comfortable and attached" to the people you're with.

Get the fück out, stay sober, find someone (eventually) that respects and values you.


Good morning Aliya

Relationships are hard when we have our feelings and our hearts involved. But please remember you are the most important person I pray and I hope. That you work the 12 steps with a sponsor.. it will truly help you find yourself and help fix yourself so you can be the best version of yourself