Addiction. I want to quit so badly
Yep breaking an addiction is sooooo worth it. I've not been here long but this is a good spot. I'm on a good sober streak though, and I know you can do it.
Messaged you!
Don’t know can explain I am too willing give my kids chances, how I can I stand up end this?
My kids are not supportive, have anyone experienced?
I am give up myself for my kids? Am I wrong or right?
Can we privately?
Hard to quit but can only stay in house, don’t go out
Not easy
I mean I feel I can’t go outside drive tempt me to buy one, understand I mean
Only way I need or have to or whatever words stay in house
Yes. Mine are not only not supportive i have had to distance myself from them because they try to sabotage my recovery.
Sucks, I glad have this app.
Jesus my families are crowding me, but one person far distance complain
Okay, why I do pull all my girls to stay right way, tired, hope I can peacefully but guess what, really hurt me,
Different situations
I am sick now this now