Addiction to alcohol and drugs

I am starting again. I have a very patient sponsor; he even encouraged me to go to meetings while still drinking and using.

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Yes, I encourage you to go to meetings, not use while you were in the meetings, but if you go high and drunk, you will not be turned away just sit and listen. And hopefully you will hear something that in your times that you were feeling your urge to pick up. hopefully those things will come to your forefront and encourage you not to pick up

I just went to listen, and was honest about my using. I guess with me it has been a process. Every day I need to have a list of things to accomplish. Reading, prayer, sponsorship, etc... We are supposed to start on the steps tommorow.

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That is awesome Roy just remember progress not perfection. It is awesome to hear the things you are doing for yourself. Keep up the things you’re doing you got this.