Advice on dealing with FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)?

I’m off tomorrow and usually I’d be out and about drinking, but I’m going to stay home, but it’s driving me crazy just sitting around alone. Also moved to a new state so I only know like 2-3 people and they are busy… how do you guys deal with this? Legit thinking about taking a sleeping pill to just knock myself out lol


Hey there Jacob! Well my friend you were dealing with the most populous and social group of people in the world probably… Have you checked out your local meetings?


Meetings. Meetings. Meetings. I’d hit as many meetings as you can. Get phone lists and start making new friends. Ours is a community of people who want to help each other, meet new people, and have real relationships. All it takes is a phone call.


Perfect time to hit a meeting, get some fellowship and meet some new friends. There are always meetings to go to. There's no need to sit home alone. Also keep in mind when you look at Instagram or Facebook and people are drinking and having a good time. No one posts when they're puking in the toilet at 3:00 in the morning or at the end of a 4-day crack bender. They only post the beginning. Play the tape. Forward my friend. The reason you're trying to stay sober is cuz you don't drink like other people most likely just like me. So you have to play the tape forward. In 20 years I have never not even once woke up in the morning and wish I had gotten f***** up the night before. Hit a meeting. Learn to live your life sober. It can be strange at times and even boring. But you know what it's not boring. Police lights judges jail cells. Mental institutions. Those things are not boring. Embrace the boring. And just try to relax. Pick up a new hobby. Read a book. Rent a movie. Take a walk that one's always free. If it was easy everyone would do it. But when you wake up tomorrow morning I can guarantee you won't. Wish you got f***** up last night


I feel ya buddy. I’m in early recovery and I’m dealing with the same thing. I started working out, turns out drinking was my only hobby so I had to come up with new ones. Try seeing a movie or dining alone. You never know who you are going to meet.

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Get outside get active take a walk find some nature you can do this!

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Dude, you are young. When your buds are in bars keep going to school, life, etc. Believe me, you aren’t missing out.

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Definitely suggest a meeting, especially for the day that you are usually out. My home group is Friday evenings, my most popular drunk day. Aside from that, maybe find some sober people that that have similar interests to hang with outside of meetings. That's where I'm struggling with myself.


I get it. I have a work retreat this weekend. And my ex husband is getting married too this Saturday. I will stay sober. U can text me. I'll be happy to listen. 314-607-7488


Love all this advice, today to keep me me busy I got up early and laid on the beach and now I’m going to go shopping for an outfit to wear to a concert this weekend so that’ll keep me busy, I found a couple of numbers of counselors available 24/7 as AA is a bit too religious for me but I’m sticking to it… remembering my “why” and I keep telling myself even if I have half a beer… I’m only cheating myself and proving anyone that thinks I can’t do it right… as a stubborn Aries lol I don’t like to lose.

I don’t know what you think you’re missing out on.. being sober and clean is so much better than being in jail or prison or even rehab.. take up a hobby.. go to a meeting.. meet people at a meeting.. it’s so much better than chancing get’n a DUI or having a wreck and killing someone.. that’s what I think about when I think about drinking or doing drugs..

Loneliness is just part of this, I’ve realized. My life is incredibly slow and boring now. I’m terribly lonely. You have 2 friends, I have none. The only people I interact with are my parents.

I guess for me I finally realized I was missing out on so much more by drinking. I could not imagine going through a social event not drinking, while everyone else was. But I’m coming to the realization that the drinking was what was making me “miss out” on the fun. I was so consumed about my last drink, my current drink, and then my next drink I was never present. What a freedom I have felt since not having to constantly worry about how I could purchase and consume alcohol. I read THE NAKED MIND and quit the same day. Of course I struggle but the book addresses a chapter regarding missing out and it really resonated with me.

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One of the best things I got back when I got sober was reading​:books:. Maybe a good book. A hobby like painting :framed_picture:or writing​:writing_hand:. Some people start work out programs. I know one thing for sure whatever I do is better because of being sober.

Dude you have a beach. I am not religious at all and I personally don't see AA as religious. But what do I know I have only been going to meetings and staying for a few 24 hours

AA meetings. Fellowship and communication about your state of mind with like minded people is the way to go. You can find them at AA meetings. Free yourself from the drink. You could have a much better night sober meeting people and remembering the evening. Theres no need in getting in a new environment and drowning it it alcohol

There are also other programs secular that are not AA. Look online and you'll find one that fits your needs as well. Good luck on your sober path. Be well and stay focused on the prize!

Love this thank you! I’ll check it out

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Sobriety is the ‘new cool’ back in my day it was cool to drink and Alcohol was highly glorified. I’m almost 50. Nature works wonders! Possibly getting a puppy could be therapeutic and get you out of the old idea of missing out. There’s so many fall festivals coming and the AA fellowship and friendships you could make there will open up other doors for you.

You’re not missing out man. When you drink and do that nonsense you’re missing out on a whole lot of life. Trust me you staying home and “doing nothing,” is more of something then going out and wasting your life drinking and boozing with ppl who don’t give a rats tail about you.

If you fixate your mind on missing out, or being alone your only going to amplify these feelings you’re having and eventually you’ll pull the trigger and go back out and drink yet the insanity and cycle of boozing or what ever is only amplified and you’re back to square one again.

Remember you only miss out when you go out and drink.

Take the time inside and look up stuff you can do in your new state look at the site meetup see if you can find anything you’d wanna join or get involved in you’ll learn a new skill and meet new ppl.

Go to an AA meeting and be honest when it’s your turn to talk open up and tell them what you just posted and ask if anyone is doing anything after. Maybe you can join a group of randoms from AA after a meeting and grab dinner. Sure it’s kinda weird at first not knowing anyone or thing but that’s all apart of re learning how to live again

Get a gym membership. Go do gym classes go to yoga something beneficial not just you sitting at home thinking about missing out on nonsense