Advice regarding meetings

I am 10 days sober and I’m looking for advice regarding meetings. I have yet to do any in person meetings, but I have been doing online meetings almost daily. I don’t have a sponsor yet. I was planning on doing that when I went to an in person meeting, but I’m finding that I’m really liking the online meetings, and I seem to share more on the online meetings that I ever have in the in person meetings in the past. Do you think it’s necessary to do in person meetings?

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I feel in person meetings works best for me but if online works best for you than keep it going :pray:t3:

I got sober during during covid so I started with online meetings. Once I started to go in person though I never looked back. There is something so special about sitting alongside people you grow to love and sharing together. It's so great that you have found something that allows you to open up and get the help you need. If you have the Meeting Guide app see what's available in your area. Some meetings offer a hybrid format, so you can join online and connect with the members before going to it in person. The great thing to is they will also tell you about other meetings you might enjoy and can accompany you to those. No matter what, online or in person, please keep going to meetings. This program has changed my life and I know it will bring you the same hope it brings me.