
Hi friends, new to this group. I have 5 days sober. Having trouble letting NA meetings guide me as I do jot believe in god and I am not/have not ever been religious. Hoping that some others in the same boat might be able to chime in with some advice. Much love to you all.


Hello Chloe. Welcome aboard. You off to a great start. You fight this and stay tough. Hang in there.

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Congrats on your 5 days!!!
Sorry I’ve no advice on your situation but just wanted to say keep it going.

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@chloe320725 :tada::tada: CONGRATULATIONS :tada::tada: on your 5 days of sobriety. Keep up the good work.
Trust me on this... We all have been where you're at. A lot of us had god and religious issues when we started our journey of sobriety.
You asked for advice here you go...
Having the "God" issue...would you consider "To Whom This May Concern"?
As far as "God" and the higher power thing. You can pick the higher power as YOU UNDERSTAND HIM..
Recovery is not about religion. It's all about spiritually no religion involved..
My best advice on that I can give you is to download the Everything AA App and listen to Chapter 4 the chapter to the Agnostics.


It’s a program for anyone. I am agonist. I believe you are meaning atheist? Regardless. You can still do NA. It’s a spiritual not religious program and there ARE agnostic meetings. I have since changed the language in the readings and steps to meet my needs mentally. I stopped being hung up on the words and NA itself was my higher power for awhile. Now the universe and myself are the higher powers. Please Google secular NA meetings. There’s also virtual - na. Org and you can find there. Give it a try. Take what you need and leave the rest is how I live my program. Hugs.


I really like the “To Whom This May Concern” :slight_smile: thank you.


@chloe320725 The 2nd step talks about coming to believe.
We all have to believe in something

It’s a spiritual belief - has nothing to do with religion - and it’s asking you to believe in “something higher than yourself” - addicts can get caught up in our own tunnel vision worlds and think we are the only thing that exists but there is universe out there of things far greater than we are

I started to believe when someone pointed out to me that I don't have to understand everything that works but I just know it does. For eg: when you turn on the light switch the light turns on,when you turn the ignition switch your vehicle stars,when you set the timer on the microwave it heats up food. What I'm getting at is if you just open your mind a little bit and have faith you can trust that something with more power than you works because it has worked for hundreds of thousands before us. All I do know is that I'm willing to turn my will over to anything else that might possibly help me because my will has never panned out. Keep on keeping on and have faith I am not religious either but so far just believing in anything that's higher power than me has been working.....

Try looking for different places to get meetings at. Not all NA meetings do the god thing. I know one of the places by me does NA but doesn’t have to do with a god. I also don’t do anything with a god. I go to clinic ( I needed to be medicated to detox) we do group meetings, one on one counselings and nothing to do with god. You just have to research and check out different places and see what works best for you. Which don’t let others make you feel bad for the choices you make to better yourself, you aren’t the same people and we can’t heal the same. Good luck, best wishes. DM if you need a friend

Congrats! I only have three days after relapsing (alcohol for me). Also agnostic, can be challenging but I have found this group amazing :star_struck:

Congrats and happy you are here! Keep it up.

You don’t have too, believe in a higher power of your own understanding. Could be Mother Earth, something that you find peace in. Keep moving forward one day at time

Heyy dm me I have a question

Yesterday's (Mar9) daily reflections talked about the AA promises being a higher power in and of itself. It's something to believe in.

@chloe320725 hey accept my friend request