Alcohol is very hard to give up , any tips

Alcohol is very hard to give up , any tips on how to stop. And some herbs as well

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It’s easy if you seriously want to be sober. Go to meetings, get a sponsor, do the steps and be of service. But you gotta really want to be sober.
I’m here if you want to talk.

I had to surrender to my innermost self, that I was powerless over alcohol and all drugs. I had to get a sponsor, and I had to work steps in order to change my thinking. Started doing service work helping those by myself. That didn’t think it was possible to live life without a drink or a drug.

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How are you doing today? Are you hanging in there?

It can be easy to stop if we realize that the poison has no real benefits to weigh against all the drawbacks. You know that first sip or gulp that feels so good? It placebo, as the alcohol hasn't gotten to our brain yet. All the social programming doesn't help either, it's like we're been told that drinking poison is a good thing. It's not, whether one drink or 100 there is no good outcome from drinking alcohol.