
I'm struggling to process life and my mental health has been on the downward spiral.


What's your favorite memory?

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Sam you are not alone. Are you working the 12 steps with a sponsor?

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Hi Sam, it’s really hard times. Just know that it is ok to feel feeling. It is also ok not to know some things or whether some thing is positive or negative. I struggled with those things a lot. Especially after my wife. Going through is the hardest part of this process. But it does get better. Just stay strong and keep moving forward.


Hey Sam, have you thought about therapy? That has helped my mental health tremendously. 


Good morning Sam, how are you doing today? I also deal with depression. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.

I am grateful and humbled to say I have 23 years clean and sober and fight depression and I am grateful to say

We do recover

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