
Thank you.

Thank you so much for sharing about being a relapser. Iā€™m going into I.O.P. Tomorrow I hope they can help

As long as you are alive, Kim, you have the opportunity to get sober. You can do it!!

I would highly recommend getting to 90 meetings in 90 days...AA of course. I had countless vain attempts at sobriety, all with the same results - I'd drink. I had to dive head first into AA, and come to find a power greater than myself that could restore me to sanity. Once I was willing to do that, and to follow the suggestions of the people who had come before me, life and not drinking became easier. It's worked for millions of alcoholics just like me, and it's there for the taking. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. AA, and the men and women of AA, saved my life. This is the first time in 26 years that I have been able to stay sober for anything more than a few days, and I'm coming up on 2 years of continuous sobriety. I have inner peace and serenity, which I hadn't had since childhood, and alcohol no longer controls my life. You can have what we have, but that's all up to you. Best of luck to you, I truly hope that you get and stay sober through the 12 steps.