
I am in treatment for probably my 11th time. All I think about is my next drink. I am a chronic relapser since my 1st treatment in 2005. I'm the trigger with the way I think.


Don’t give up.. you know you are worth it… have you gone to meetings?


So eleven times, you've had the courage to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and say "enough". That's not easy. Do something to get yourself out of your head. Get to a meeting, distract yourself. You'll stay sober. Have faith in yourself.


Whatever it takes! 111 times so be it but god willing it’ll be your last

I too, am my own trigger so I feel you. Have you ever been on or considered trying the medication that is supposed to help block the cravings? After a lot of relapses I finally broke down and have recently started Naltrexone because it’s the last thing I haven’t tried yet. I’ve also recently learned how important and beneficial connection is because I always just wanted to fix it on my own.

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Same here. I’m interested in this medication you mentioned?

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Sure! The medication is Naltrexone, you can take it in a pill form every day or you can get an injection once every 28 days. I’m currently taking the pill but I think I’m going to just go ahead and get the shot so I don’t have to worry about it every day.

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Also!! Sorry I didn’t have a lot of time when I responded before, you can get it prescribed by your doctor, or anyone that can prescribe medication. I’m in an iop outpatient program so they do it there. It blocks the part of your brain that craves it, and if you do drink on it- you won’t get sick but you also won’t feel the euphoria effect. That, I only know based off of what I was told but I can tell you from being on it that I don’t really crave it at all. And if I have a moment, it’s much more manageable and easier to just ignore or distract from. It’s also for opioids as well.

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Hey Kim:) I was a chronic relapser for about 2 decades too. Then I got tired of being sick & tired. I finally made MY SOBRIETY my NUMBER ONE PRIORITY over everything and everyone.
15+ years of happy sobriety later, it’s still my priority.
With sobriety I can have it all. Without sobriety I get only pain.
I’m here if you want to talk.


Thank you :blush:

Thank you. I started the Naltrexone about 10 days ago. I hear it helps.

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That’s great! And it does, just takes a little time :blush:

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Once you truly surrender to alcohol (1st step) the battle against cravings and obsessions to drink is over. Then the battle to live sober and be happy doing it starts. When you're done you're done as they say. Good luck. Everybody will not get sober but anybody can get sober at anytime. You only fail when you stop trying

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From your post it seems like you should change your thinking?
What have you tried?

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Agreed, changing my thought process was so important, identifying and breaking distorted thinking patterns. Gotta let everything go, we can't stay sober and hold onto resentments and anger. I try to take daily inventory too


Thank you everyone!

Kim, I think you are a brave woman for all the times you have tried and are still trying. There is so much to be proud of in that alone. I admire that you are willing to share your struggle. I too have tried multiple times too. In the end I decided changing my thought pattern and addressing past trauma once and for all was what I needed to do. While it’s a long and daunting process, I found myself feeling a little more free every day. You are worth it. Worth the journey to wellness and peace.:purple_heart:

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Thank you :blush:!

Yes I am on it. Thank you :blush:!

Thank you :blush:!