Almost 2 Years Later…

Post escaping an abusive relationship and choosing sobriety, I immediately sought out professional help and community through support workshops and volunteering. It’s been one almost two years and within this time, I’ve become partnered with over several organisations in my city. Yesterday, the first nonprofit I became the ambassador of cordially invited me to an event.

Volunteering has saved my life and I couldn’t be anymore grateful to be apart of an organisation dedicated to helping impoverished and underserved communities like mine and others alike receive the assistance needed. I hope to continue working for them as I continue working to better myself. Another day sober, another day grateful. :pray:t5:


That’s great Mitchel, you should be very proud that you had the strength to turn your past situation into something so positive and beautiful! 🩵

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Thank you! Every day I remain grateful and use it as a source of encouragement to continue, even if days are a little rough

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