Alone…and lack of discipline. I believe we are or I

Alone…and lack of discipline. I believe we are or I am the worst critic to me. Just need a few words of advice on getting through a relapse


You relapsed. You can’t rewind and undo that. You are here today, alive and willing. There is hope with that. We all start from this point. Take one step forward at a time, and don’t look back, your future is ahead of you.


I’ve tried to think of my relapses as moments in my journey to more happiness and peace. Yes, they happened, and yes, there were some devastating consequences. But I can try to add something new or switch things up to try to prevent another one. And ultimately I’m still on the right path


Thank you :pray:t2:

Thank you. :pray:t2:

Simply begin again.
Each moment is a new one.

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Building a bridge…..!one little ole moment at a time. Relapse, though disappointing teach us😉

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It’s your journey. No matter what your desire to be sober can overcome your desire to continue to drink.


Learn from it, grow from it, don’t beat yourself up over it. It happens and yes, while it sucks, you’ve still got this moment, this chance and starting anew again. Breathe and know you’re not alone, EVER!! Love from S.C.

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Keep going to meetings

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