Alone and worried

Minds racing, obsessive thinking, can’t concentrate anxiety is terrible. I feel like I have no one


Hi Andrew,
It's easy to say relax or try not to overthink so I won't do that. I suffer with borderline personality disorder and I chronically overthink. I started writing down my intrusive and obsessive thoughts and examined why I may be feeling these feelings. Acknowledging them has helped me face them in the future and realize when something else could be triggering the feeling. Sometimes not dwelling but sitting with our thoughts allows us to understand them and ourselves better. Moments can feel lonely but remember there is a whole community of people here who understand and are willing to listen and be a friend. Take it one hour at a time if the hours are too long take minutes or seconds but you will get there friend. I hope today gets better for you stay strong

Idk what time it is where you live but can you get outside and do something physically tiring? That helps me sometimes also talking to someone who loves me and who can talk me down. Just a couple ideas. You are not alone

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Man I have been there, especially in early sobriety when I had really been binging. All I can say is hang in there, pray and meditate, and honestly just let time pass. It will get easier and working a program can help alot.