Anger and Anxiety

These are two things I’ve been feeling consistently for maybe about 5 months. And, while I’ve been managing it with things like mindfulness, meditation, and journaling, I can’t help but feel I’m just shoving it down and not really dealing with it. Curious what are some things people do to manage these feelings (especially if you can relate to having very very frustrating interactions with your partner).


Hi Kole, i was very frustrated and angry with my partner. I did use mindfulness and meditation but in the end I had to occupy my mind. I used games on my phone a lot of times. I have learned that the key to any relationship is open and honest conversation from both parties. Stay strong and keep moving forward.

At 6 years sober I was a ticking time bomb and dangerously volatile. Until I seriously did the 12 steps with a sponsor. I finally processed decades of toxicity in a healthy way. Learned to use the tools & process to stay emotionally sober and happy. Then I never needed a drink or a drug again.
3/14 will be 15 years clean


Well spoken :heart: and amen sister

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I struggle with the same things, Kole, but I’m learning to step away, take a beat and clear my head. Serenity prayer helps with that.